Friday, February 5, 2016

Xerox Phaser 8560 pre-heater error

Special edition...

I've always been quite enamored with the Xerox Phaser solid ink printers for some reason, very cool idea and no toner mess...  You can likely find them cheap used, I picked up 3 for under $40 each.  The 8500 series, is very fixable, service manual being online, and only two torx screws needed to open the thing up.

I had an 8560 with a pre-heater error.  After swapping the pre-heater with another printer and still getting the same error 37,008.44, a nice person said it might be a fuse.

About 6 plugs and 16 screws later, I'm inside the electronics package and sure enough, one of the 10A fuses is out, F3 in my case.  Popped a new one in from a broken spare printer (one of the 10 driver chips on the print head itself finally died, I think from overheat due to ink spillage and someone moving a hot printer!)  and re-assemble, the darn thing works again.

Enough for now...

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