Tuesday, March 22, 2016

iOS 9.x Text Message on all phones sharing iCloud account

I've been experimenting in the iOS 9.3 Beta program to see if it fixes some of the phone hang up button and Bluetooth hand off issues I was having with a iPhone 5 on 9.2.1.  During one of the updates, it asked for iCloud signin again and my wife concurrently received a message asking to allow text messages from me.  She said yes, and thereafter both our phones were receiving text messages from each others phone.

It may be obvious to some, but I'll share because it drove us both nuts for about a week.

Go to Settings>>Messages>>Send&Receive and check which emails/phone numbers on the AppleID or iCloud account should receive messages to each device.  Somehow, all 6 were checked on mine and my number was checked on my wife's phone.

NOTE: We haven't gone through setup of the Family Sharing program yet because it requires a credit card, so far we've been living in the AppStore world with redeemed change jar gift cards.

What it should look like on a phone with only your number checked.

The other annoyance was that the it changed the contact info associated with with phone, as viewed through Phone>>Contacts, it listed my wife's name with my number.  I needed to change this back by going to Settings>>Mail, Contacts, and Calendars>>CONTACTS-My Info.

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